Welcome to the Bay-O-Vista Improvement Association (BOVIA) website! BOVIA is a non-profit voluntary neighborhood association dating back to the 1950s that seeks to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood by building a close and supportive community of friends, neighbors and residents in Bay-O-Vista.

All Bay-O-Vista residents are eligible to become a member of BOVIA and for those of you who are not currently members, we would love for you to join! For those of you who are already BOVIA members, we hope you find our website useful to keep apprised of BOVIA events, issues impacting Bay-O-Vista, various BOVIA clubs and new interest groups, special benefits and business discounts for BOVIA members, community resources and much more. More information will be continually added, so make sure you keep checking back.

If you have any questions about BOVIA, would like to provide us with information, give us feedback about the website, or have ideas on how we can make BOVIA more meaningful or effective, please feel free to email us at [email protected].

Our BOVIA members make our community a special place to live!

Warm regards,
Your BOVIA Board


Being connected to where we live has become more important than ever, which is why we want you as a member of the Bay-O-Vista Improvement Association (BOVIA) to help improve our neighborhood and build a close and supportive community of friends, neighbors, and residents in Bay-O-Vista.

You’ll receive the following benefits by becoming a BOVIA Member:

We provide a valuable service for a modest membership fee of $30 annually. We hope you agree to become or continue to be a dues-paying BOVIA member! Our wonderful members are what make BOVIA such a worthwhile and fun organization!


Please make sure you mark your calendar and attend our Spring General Meeting on Wednesday, April 04th @ 7:00 p.m. on zoom. Hear from the Chief Administrator of San Leandro Hospital about the new and improved benefits the Hospital provides to our community.  We will also hear from the Director of Employee and Community of San Leandro School District who will provide information on all the new programs being offered to students, which is very important to parents looking to enroll their children or grandchildren now or in the future.

Topic: BOVIA Spring General Meeting
Start Time: Apr 04, 2025 07:00 PM

Meeting ID: 836 5131 4609

Passcode: 042804


Chat With the Chief
Wednesday, June 8th @ 6:00 p.m.
Scholarship Applications Due
Monday, June 12th
Financial Market Update
Wednesday, June 15th @ 7:00 p.m.
Garden Club Meeting
Thursday, June 16th @ 5:30 p.m.
Wine & Cheese Social
Friday, June 24th @ 6:00 p.m.
BOVIA Garden Tour
Saturday, July 16th @ 10:00 a.m.
National Night Out
Tuesday, August 2nd @ 5:30 p.m.
Starview Court
BOVIA Car Show
Sunday, September 11th @ 1:00 p.m.
1837 Starview Drive
Meet the City Candidates
September & October (Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m.)
Potluck Dinner Social
Saturday, October 8th @ 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Vistagrand Court
General Meeting
Wednesday, October 26th @ 7:00 p.m.
Shredding Event
Saturday, October 29th @ 9:00 – Noon
Little Park on Benedict
Financial Market Update
Wednesday, Sept 21th @ 7:00 p.m.
Garden Club Meeting
Thursday, September 29th @ 5:30 p.m.


On October 27, 2020, we received an incredibly informative presentation about the UNIQUE FIRE DANGER IN BAY-O-VISTA from Cheryl Miller, Executive Coordinator for the Diablo FireSafe Council, and Alameda County Fire Chief Derrick Thomas and Breanne Slimick.

Below is a summary of our last General Meeting.

  • Juniper shrubs and trees that were originally planted all over in Bay-O-Vista and are still found on most of our properties are a recipe for disaster if there is a fire in our community, or if the wind blows embers from nearby or even distant fires into our area.
  • Junipers (as well as rosemary, which is also common in our area) are full of volatile oils, small needles, and dry woody branches, and will ignite easily from windblown embers, placing our homes and community at risk.
  • We are also at risk of fire because most of our homes are located in the hills. Fires tend to burn quickly up hillsides.
  • With wildfires becoming worse in California and our location so close to Lake Chabot, we need to do what we can to reduce the risk of fire danger that could devastate our community.

This was probably one of the most important General Meetings we have had. We learned what we can do to protect our homes, the importance of having a clear perimeter around the home, and tips to minimize the risks. We also learned that Alameda County Fire will send an inspector to assess your home and give you advice about how you can make it more fire safe.

Contact ACFD Breanne Slimick at 925-833-3473 or email her at [email protected]. Other Fire Departments charge for this service, so we are fortunate to get it for free!

Our annual mailed Newsletter requesting the $30 BOVIA annual dues is coming.  Please mail your check for $30 in the enclosed envelope  – or – pay online via PayPal at  Your dues help us put on events and provide scholarships to our members’ graduating seniors.

Bay-O-Vista has a Brand New Facebook Group Page!

You can connect with neighbors and keep up to date with upcoming events and activities.  You can join at:


Activity Date & Time
BOVIA Book Club
January 28th (Tuesday) 6:00 p.m. (zoom)
BOVIA Breakfast Club
January 31st (Friday) 10:30 a.m. (Pelton Café)
Tandi Family Farms Pasta Feed
February 2nd (Sunday) 5 – 7 p.m. (C.V. Moose Lodge)
BOVIA Cultural Events Club
February 4th (Tuesday) 6:00 p.m. (zoom)
BOVIA Garden Club
February 27th (Thursday) 6:00 p.m. (zoom)
BOVIA Breakfast Club
February 28th (Friday) 10:30 a.m. (To be determined)
Volunteer Corps.
(To be announced in February)
Succulent & Plant Exchange
March 1st (Saturday) 9 – 11 a.m. (1863 Lakeview Ct.)
BOVIA Pet Lover’s Club
March 5th (Wednesday) 5:00 p.m. (zoom)
BOVIA Parent’s Network
March 5th (Wednesday) 5:30 p.m. (zoom)
BOVIA Young Professional Network
March 5th (Wednesday) 6:00 p.m. (zoom)
BOVIA Chinese Cultural Group
March 5th (Wednesday) 6:30 p.m. (zoom)

Coming soon

Activity Date & Time
Book Club
May 2nd (Tuesday) @ 6:00 p.m. (zoom)
Pet Lovers Club Meeting
May 3rd (Wednesday) @ 5:30 p.m.
Parents Network
May 3rd (Wednesday) @ 7:00 p.m.
Spring Garden Tour
May 6th (Saturday) @ 10:00 a.m. (in person tour)
BOVIA Retirees Breakfast
May 10th (Friday) @ 10:00 a.m. at I-HOP in San Leandro


BOVIA BOOK CLUB:  TUESDAY, JANUARY 28TH @ 6:00 p.m. (via zoom – link will be emailed to interested parties). The book we are reading is Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano.  It is a “profoundly moving portrait of what is possible when we choose to love someone not in spite of who they are, but because of it.”  It is described as a “powerfully affecting” family story that asks: Can love make a broken person whole?  And is “an exquisite homage to Louisa May Alcott’s timeless classic, Little Women.”  Our Book Club has a wonderful group of people with different perspectives and insights. Our discussions are diverse and interesting even if you haven’t read the book!  You are welcome to join us!  Please email Kat at [email protected] for more information and the zoom link. 

BOVIA BREAKFAST CLUBFRIDAY, JAN. 31st & FEB. 28TH @ 10:30 a.m. at Pelton Cafe in Pelton Plaza, S.L.  Come join a wonderful group of our neighbors once a month for a fun get-together over breakfast.  Breakfast will be held at Pelton Café at 194 Pelton Center Way in San Leandro.   Please RSVP to Kat at [email protected] or call 510-427-3173.  (Last minute attendees are welcome – we just want to make sure we get a table big enough!) The next Breakfast Club will be on Friday, February 28th – location to be determined by the group.

TANDI FAMILY FARMS PASTA FEED FUNDRAISER:  SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND @ 5 – 7 p.m @  Castro Valley Moose Lodge – 20835 Rutledge Rd. Castro Valley. Come enjoy all-you-can- eat fresh pasta made with family recipes for only $15, plus have fun participating in a silent dessert auction.  All proceeds will support the Tandi Farms Victory Gardens Project.  Tandi Family Farms wants to purchase the Quarry Site (the hillside behind B-O-V) to create a sustainable education farm. For more information or to make a donation, go to

BOVIA CULTURAL EVENTS CLUB: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH @ 6:00 p.m. (via zoom – link will be emailed to interested parties). This is a new interest group for people who like to go to art galleries, the theater, museums, or enjoy live music, like jazz, opera, etc.  We will plan trips and events for the group and for BOVIA members.  Please email Kat at [email protected] if you would like to join this new fun group and to get the zoom link. 

VOLUNTEER CORP:  (TBA in February) This is an opportunity to give back to our community by volunteering for local non-profit organizations one day a month with other BOVIA members.  It feels good and so meaningful to help others! 

If you are interested in giving back to our community and helping out when you are able, please email Garry @ [email protected].

GARDEN CLUB MEETINGTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH @ 6:00 p.m. (via zoom – link will be emailed to interested parties). These are monthly meetings to discuss gardening issues, tips and challenges. We also plan Garden Tours in Bay-O-Vista. It is a wonderful way to meet people in our community who have a wealth of knowledge and love to garden. Novices are more than welcome!  Please email Kat at  [email protected] to join and get the zoom link!

SUCCULENT & PLANT EXCHANGE DRIVEWAY SOCIAL:  SATURDAY, MARCH 1ST @ 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. at 1863 Lakeview Ct.  Come to BOVIA’s first Driveway Social of the year for coffee and donuts and to exchange succulents and plants.  Please bring your cuttings, extra pots and/or pick up some plants/pots for your own garden.  Even if you are not a gardenercome enjoy coffee and donuts and meet new neighbors and enjoy talking to friends. We will also have a box where you can leave your dues checks.

PET LOVERS CLUB MEETING:  WEDNESDAY, MARCH  5th @ 5:00 p.m (via zoom – link will be emailed to interested parties).  Pet Lover’s Club is a club for pet lovers and owners to connect. All pet owners are welcome!  Join this second meeting of the year to plan for upcoming playdates and romps and to discuss other ideas.  If you are interested reach out to Eric at [email protected]

PARENTS NETWORK:  WEDNESDAY, MARCH  5th @ 5:30 p.m.  (via zoom – link will be emailed to interested parties).  We now have lots of young parents in BOVIA!  Join other parents for this second meeting of the year to plan playdates and events for parents and their kids.  Reach out to Eric at [email protected] for the zoom link. 

YOUNG PROFESSIONALS NETWORK: WEDNESDAY, MARCH  5th @ 6:00 p.m.  (via zoom – link will be emailed to interested parties).  Our community is thriving with many young professionals looking to connect, network, and share activities together.  Join other young professionals for skills classes, networking happy hours, and new restaurant discovery runs. Reach out to Eric at [email protected] for the zoom link.

CHINESE CULTURAL MONTHLY MEETUP WEDNESDAY, MARCH  5th @ 6:30 p.m.  Are you interested in Chinese cultural events and activities?  Do you want to meet other Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) speakers in the neighborhood to connect and practice Chinese language with. Due to popular demand, we are starting a monthly meet up for those who would like to connect and practice Cantonese or Mandarin with as well as take part in Chinese Cultural Events. All are welcome to join.  Please email Eric @ [email protected] if you are interested in learning more information about the next meet up.


SEWING, NEEDLEWORK, CRAFTINGAre you a knitter, quilter, like to do needlework or crafts?  This will be a way for those who love to do these things to connect and work on them together, sharing ideas or just good company.  For more information or to join, please email Janet at [email protected].

VOLUNTEER CORPSEver want to volunteer and give back to the community, but not quite sure how best to do it?  BOVIA will be putting together one day a month where members can join together to give back to the community and help others.  Please email Garry @ [email protected] if you are interested in being part of our volunteer corps!

BALLROOM DANCINGAre you interested in Ballroom Dancing?  Are you an expert or a novice wanting to learn?  We are looking to start a BOVIA Ballroom Dancing group. Please email Kat at [email protected] if this sounds like something fun you would like to do!

CHINESE CULTURAL MONTHLY MEETUPAre you interested in Chinese cultural events and activities?  Do you want to meet other Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) speakers in the neighborhood to connect and practice Chinese language with. Due to popular demand, we are starting a monthly meet up for those who would like to connect and practice Cantonese or Mandarin with as well as take part in Chinese Cultural Events. All are welcome to join.  Please email Eric @ [email protected] if you are interested in learning more information about the next meet up.

中国文化月度聚会  您对中国文化活动感兴趣吗?你想认识附近其他说中文(广东话和普通话)的人,一起交流和练习中文吗?由于大众的需求,我们开始每月为那些想联系和练习粤语或普通话以及参加中国文化活动的人举行聚会。欢迎大家加入。如果您有兴趣了解有关下次聚会的更多信息,请发送电子邮件至 Eric @ [email protected]



With climate change, California fires are much faster and dangerous than in the past. Bay-O-Vista is subject to high wind storms that could turn a fire into a conflagration.  We need to do what we can to safeguard and “fire harden” our homes and to prepare for the worst in the event we have to evacuate the community. The City’s 2022 Kittleson Report on evacuation capacities in the event of a disaster indicates that a fire nearby in Lake Chabot or Fairmont Ridge will require the entire community to evacuate and that Vistagrand and Benedict would be over capacity (this was before Lake Chabot Road was closed!!).   . 

  • RE-OPEN LAKE CHABOT ROAD:  We need the City to reopen Lake Chabot Road now! As we have seen from the devastating L.A. fires, we need every evacuation route to be open and free from any barriers. We need the Road opened NOW with at least one-way downhill traffic, with stop signs at either end to slow down traffic until the City fixes the road permanently for two way traffic. This is a critical evacuation route for hundreds of homes.  Without it, residents will be stuck in place with a back-up of vehicles trying to get onto Benedict. Residential vehicles will be competing with ambulances needed to evacuate approximately 80 very ill patients from Kindred Hospital at the end of Benedict. The fences and bollards that exist now preventing traffic on Lake Chabot Road are not safe for evacuating residents or first responders. They could easily create a death trap for panicking residents and make access challenging or slow for first responders.  Help us get Lake Chabot Re-Opened by:


  1. Signing a petition to the City on
  2. Stay ready to come to the next important City Council meeting. We will let you know when.  We had over 100 people attend the one on September 9th and we were heard!
  3. Numbers count!  We need your help to get this done! There are people that want to see Lake Chabot Road closed permanently.
  4. If you would like to volunteer to help, or have any questions or concerns, please email Kat @ [email protected]


  • GENERAL MEETING – SAFEGUARDING OUR HOMES FROM FIRE:BOVIA will hold a General Meeting in April on how to “fire harden” or safeguard ours home from fire. Find out what plants/trees you should remove and what type of landscaping is best to create a safe perimeter around your home.  We will learn about what we can do to make our houses more fire proof.
  • FUNDING TO HELP REMOVE JUNIPER:  Bay-O-Vista is at risk because of the extremely flammable juniperthat was used to landscape Bay-O-Vista when it was first developed.  Many of our homes still have juniper (and rosemary which is also very flammable) growing in our yards which will send flames high up into the air where it will quickly spread to other properties. Overgrown bushes, brush and trees, particularly pine trees will add fuel to any fire. There is some funding reimbursement available from the Diablo Fire Safe Council to pay for the removal of juniper and other flammable landscaping. It takes cooperation among a number of neighbors and a plan on how to address it. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in participating.
  • SAFE EVACUATION PLAN:We have a number of disabled and elderly residents, as well as young families that may need additional help in an evacuation.  A number of residents do not have smart phones on which to receive warnings. We need to identify neighbors who will need help and have a plan in place to assist them.  We also want the City to conduct an evacuation fire drill for our community, so that we can determine how we can safely evacuate from Bay-O-Vista if needed. If you or your neighbors will need assistance during an evacuation, please email [email protected] – with names, addresses and phone numbers.  Please make the subject line:  Evacuation Assistance.
  • EARTHQUAKE RETROFITTING:  Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB) is a program that provides up to $3000 to do earthquake retrofitting of your home.  EBB registration is now open and will remain open through February 26, 2025! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to help potect your home from the next earthquake. For more information about the EBB program, visit, contact Customer Service at info@CaliforniaResidentialMitigationProgram, or call 877-232-4300.

PRIVATE SECURITY FOR BAY-O-VISTA:  We lost a little steam in trying to find the right security company for our neighborhood as Re-Opening Lake Chabot Road became the most important priority for our community.  However, we are checking whether there are still City funds to help pay for flock cameras and possibly even private security (Council Member Fred Simon has introduced this idea). We will hold one more meeting with the potential private security companies to ask more questions to make a final selection of the company we think would be best.  If you want to join this next meeting and are not currently on the list, please contact Kat at [email protected] or call or text her at 510-427-3173 to provide your contact info.  (No commitment is needed at this time.)

LIGHTS ON IN BAY-O-VISTA:  One way to make your home safer at night is very simple:  KEEP YOUR OUTSIDE LIGHTS ON ALL NIGHT!!! The Police Officers who patrol our neighborhood have told us that when driving up Bay-O-Vista at night, it is always dark.  Very few houses keep their outside lights on which is a real deterrent to criminals. This is a simple and inexpensive step particularly with LED outside lights.  You can get the kind that go on only when it is dark and turn off when it is light outside so you don’t even need to think about turning them on and off; you just keep them turned on all the time.  Plus, it will help protect your home when you’re away. Motion detector lights are ok, but do not help light up a street or act as a deterrent until the criminal is on your property.  SO HELP US LIGHT UP BAY-O-VISTA AT NIGHT!!  We will inquire as to whether the City has any grant money available to help purchase outside LED lights for our residents. 


Welcome to the Bay-O-Vista Improvement Association (BOVIA) website! BOVIA is a non-profit voluntary neighborhood association dating back to the 1950s that seeks to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood by building a close and supportive community of friends, neighbors and residents in Bay-O-Vista.

All Bay-O-Vista residents are eligible to become a member of BOVIA and for those of you who are not currently members, we would love for you to join! For those of you who are already BOVIA members, we hope you find our website useful to keep apprised of BOVIA events, issues impacting Bay-O-Vista, various BOVIA clubs and new interest groups, special benefits and business discounts for BOVIA members, community resources and much more. More information will be continually added, so make sure you keep checking back.

If you have any questions about BOVIA, would like to provide us with information, give us feedback about the website, or have ideas on how we can make BOVIA more meaningful or effective, please feel free to email us at [email protected].

Our BOVIA members make our community a special place to live!

Warm regards,
Your BOVIA Board


Being connected to where we live has become more important than ever, which is why we want you as a member of the Bay-O-Vista Improvement Association (BOVIA) to help improve our neighborhood and build a close and supportive community of friends, neighbors, and residents in Bay-O-Vista.

You’ll receive the following benefits by becoming a BOVIA Member:

We provide a valuable service for a modest membership fee of $20 annually. We hope you agree to become or continue to be a dues-paying BOVIA member! Our wonderful members are what make BOVIA such a worthwhile and fun organization!



WHEN: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH (Please note - we have moved it to Sunday)
TME: 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
WHERE: 1837 STARVIEW DRIVE (Where we held the BOVIA sponsored NNO)

Come see some cool cars! Enter a free raffle! Enjoy a grilled hot dog! Win a free car wash! Have fun meeting new neighbors and visiting with those you know! This is a fun event for all Bay-O-Vista residents!

For more information, contact DeWayne Cornelious at [email protected] or call (925)580-8716


FINANCIAL MARKET UPDATE: WEDNESDAY, SEPT 21th @ 7:00 P.M. Via Zoom (Rescheduled from Sept 14th)

Understanding the importance of Estate Planning and Probate. Listen to BOVIA Board member and Financial Expert Eric Hon CFP® explain the importance of Trusts, Wills, POA, and Probate and how they fit into everyone’s overall financial plan. Contact Eric Hon @ [email protected]

Topic: BOVIA Financial Market Update
Start Time: Sept 21, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time
Meeting ID: 5109082695
Passcode: 144815


Are you a gardener, or maybe a “wanna-be” gardener? These are monthly meetings to discuss gardening issues, tips and challenges. It is a wonderful way to meet other people in our community who love to garden. Please email [email protected] if you want more information or would like to join!


Chat With the Chief
Wednesday, June 8th @ 6:00 p.m.
Scholarship Applications Due
Monday, June 12th
Financial Market Update
Wednesday, June 15th @ 7:00 p.m.
Garden Club Meeting
Thursday, June 16th @ 5:30 p.m.
Wine & Cheese Social
Friday, June 24th @ 6:00 p.m.
BOVIA Garden Tour
Saturday, July 16th @ 10:00 a.m.
National Night Out
Tuesday, August 2nd @ 5:30 p.m.
Starview Court
BOVIA Car Show
Sunday, September 11th @ 1:00 p.m.
1837 Starview Drive
Meet the City Candidates
September & October (Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m.)
Potluck Dinner Social
Saturday, October 8th @ 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Vistagrand Court
General Meeting
Wednesday, October 26th @ 7:00 p.m.
Shredding Event
Saturday, October 29th @ 9:00 – Noon
Little Park on Benedict
Financial Market Update
Wednesday, Sept 21th @ 7:00 p.m.
Garden Club Meeting
Thursday, September 29th @ 5:30 p.m.


On October 27, 2020, we received an incredibly informative presentation about the UNIQUE FIRE DANGER IN BAY-O-VISTA from Cheryl Miller, Executive Coordinator for the Diablo FireSafe Council, and Alameda County Fire Chief Derrick Thomas and Breanne Slimick.

Below is a summary of our last General Meeting.

  • Juniper shrubs and trees that were originally planted all over in Bay-O-Vista and are still found on most of our properties are a recipe for disaster if there is a fire in our community, or if the wind blows embers from nearby or even distant fires into our area.
  • Junipers (as well as rosemary, which is also common in our area) are full of volatile oils, small needles, and dry woody branches, and will ignite easily from windblown embers, placing our homes and community at risk.
  • We are also at risk of fire because most of our homes are located in the hills. Fires tend to burn quickly up hillsides.
  • With wildfires becoming worse in California and our location so close to Lake Chabot, we need to do what we can to reduce the risk of fire danger that could devastate our community.

This was probably one of the most important General Meetings we have had. We learned what we can do to protect our homes, the importance of having a clear perimeter around the home, and tips to minimize the risks. We also learned that Alameda County Fire will send an inspector to assess your home and give you advice about how you can make it more fire safe.

Contact ACFD Breanne Slimick at 925-833-3473 or email her at [email protected]. Other Fire Departments charge for this service, so we are fortunate to get it for free!

Click the link below to view the BOVIA General Meeting recording:

Passcode: knx&BX1=

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