Bay-O-Vista Improvement Association

P.O. Box 461, San Leandro, CA 94577
[email protected]

Parent’s Network

Parenting isn’t easy. However, parenting during COVID and when all your friends can’t come out and play is even harder. Parenting Network is a once-a-month meeting (via Zoom for now) for local parents and young families to gather, connect, share tips, and some laughs.

We are in the middle of setting up small BOVIA community events for parents and families to attend which will provide for a fun, safe, and positive environment to make friends and make parenting just a bit easier with other parent friends who live nearby. Many young parents and families are in the community, but it’s been tough to find a way to connect during the pandemic so now we have this group to help.

If you are interested in joining our once a month meetings, now would be a great time. Feel free to reach out to Eric at [email protected].

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