It’s time to pay 2023 BOVIA dues! Only $30 Annually!
Please help us by submitting your payment promptly or before Monday, May 1, 2023.
You have 2 options for payment:
- 1. Online via PayPal on the BOVIA website (For this convenience, a $2 processing fee has been added to the $30 Annual amount for a total of $32.00) Please make sure to note your name, street address, and email address when using this feature.
2. Write a check payable to “BOVIA” (No need to add the $2 fee) and make sure to include your name, street address and email address, and mail to:
P.O. Box 461 San Leandro, CA 94577
[email protected]
The Bay-O-Vista Improvement Association (BOVIA) is a non-profit voluntary neighborhood association dating back to 1950 that seeks to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood.
Being connected to where we live has become more important than ever, which is why we want you as a member of the Bay-O-Vista Improvement Association (BOVIA) to help improve our neighborhood and build a close and supportive community of friends, neighbors, and residents in Bay-O-Vista.
We ask that you join BOVIA to enjoy all of the following benefits:
- General Membership Meetings in the spring and fall, where City and County Officials or our state representative speak about important issues to our residents
- Seasonal newsletters
- Monthly emails containing events & important information about our community
- Special discounts for BOVIA members from local businesses
- Annual Shredding Event Free for members (4 boxes free)
- College or Tradeschool scholarships to Bay-O-Vista high school graduating seniors
- Help mediating conflicts, when possible, between willling neighbors involving view-blocking trees and vegetation
- Representation of Bay-O-Vista concerns to the City Council, Boards, Commissions and other public agencies
- Driveway Socials, Wine & Cheese Socials, Potluck Dinner Neighborhood Socials
- Sponsored National Night Out Potluck
- A BOVIA Bookclub
- A BOVIA Cookbook
- A Garden Corner to exchange information and ideas (including a possible BOVIA walking/driving garden tour this spring)
- Interest Clubs specifically for car enthusiasts, community seniors, parents with young kids, and pet parents too!
We provide a valuable service for a modest membership fee of $30 annually. We hope you agree to become or continue to be a dues-paying BOVIA member! Our wonderful members are what make BOVIA such a worthwhile and fun organization!
We have other ideas we hope to implement, but also want your ideas on how we can improve Bay-O-Vista and make our community more neighborly. (Email [email protected]).
Thank you for your prompt payment and support! We greatly appreciate it!
Bay-O-Vista Improvement Association
P.O. Box 461, San Leandro, CA 94577
[email protected]